Mailing List Archive

Issue still not solved: Channel: '' was not found in the database.
Hi all,

I browsed the archive and found lots of Postings concerning this issue but
still now working answere:

Channel: '' was not found in the database.
Most likely, the default channel set for this input
(/dev/video0 Television )
in setup is wrong

I tested the cvs (state: thursday) and the old 0.8 Version. I tried to change
the table channel in nearly every way but nothing helped. No Field are blank
now, emty fields (like filter and icon are at 'NULL') and the channelnames do
not contain any special characters nor blanks.

I'm very depressed, because on my older SuSE 8.0 it did run like a charme.
Now I have SuSE 8.2 with gcc 3.3 and had to disable the flag -fPIC in the
Makefile of libs/libavcodec to compile...

Any help on this ?

Greetings, Markus