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Ticket #9099: [PATCH i18n]
Hi Florian!

> Uh, right, i missed the plural field. I read the english string ("Play
> %n trailer(s)") and just translated it ("Spiele %n Vorschau(en)").Why is
> there no plural field for the english string? Or is it only displayed
> for the string to be translated?

(I don't currently have access to my dev environment so I'll have to say
this from memory).

Unless there is a bug in the code (which I doubt since you are both seeing
the plural field), the field was probably present.

I do believe though that for new strings Qt Linguist doesn't actually call
it plural until you fill it in (or something like that).

> Why are there untranslated strings left in mythvideo? I did this and
> sent the patch. I think i have to learn much more. Kenni and Nicolas,

My guess is, from what you sent earlier, that you updated you checkout of
the SVN repository using "svn update" but did not run lupdate for the
frontend and each of the plugins.

You have/had, because of "svn update" an updated repository but did not run
lupdate so you did not get the new translations (nor where the soccor,
fasion strings obsoleted).

This explain why I saw your copy of the repository was quite recent (from
the revision in the diff file) but did not have the latest strings or still
had "soccor", "fasion", etc...

What "svn update" does is update the files you checked-out (source, themes,
translations, etc...)

What lupdate does is extract new strings (or obsoletes old ones) it find in
source code files (or files which are made to look like source code like
the themestrings.h file which contain the strings from the theme.

If you want to have the latest strings you have to do both.

> can you please write me in short how you do a translation and
> (important) how do you verify that you got all strings? I translated
> mythvideo with linguist and there were no untranslated strings left...

By doing both "svn update" and lupdate you should be find (though I am told
that once in a blue moon lupdate forgets some strings, in this case run it
a second time...

> and now there are 4! I create the patch with "svn diff
> mythtv/i18n/mythfrontend_de.ts
> mythplugins/*/i18n/*_de.ts > german_translation.diff" like described in
> the wiki, so no change should be missing. Can i grep for a specific
> string in the .ts files to find strings which needs work / or with an
> empty plural field?

If you use Qt Linguist (which I hope you do since it makes the job so much
simpler) I believe you can press Ctrl-Shift-J to get the next unfinished

Otherwise you could grep for the word "unfinished" (add some context lines
with "-C4" (for 4 context lines) to find what the strings looks like and "-
n" too to get the line in the file.

If you need more help don't hesitate to reply back...

Have a nice day!
