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Misspelled strings in mythfrontend

for mythfrontend a lot of strings have been added, two of them are
misspelled in my opinion:

* fasion -> fashion

* soccor -> soccer



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Misspelled strings in mythfrontend [ In reply to ]
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Florian Bittner <mythtv at> wrote:
> Hi,
> for mythfrontend a lot of strings have been added, two of them are
> misspelled in my opinion:
> * fasion -> fashion
> * soccor -> soccer

Yes, both are misspellings. Please submit a patch to fix them, but
for .24 fix them in your translation, then we can apply after the
release and regenerate strings.

Misspelled strings in mythfrontend [ In reply to ]

> for mythfrontend a lot of strings have been added, two of them are
> misspelled in my opinion:
> * fasion -> fashion
> * soccor -> soccer

Unless something went very wrong, you shouldn't see these as Kenni
submitted a patch to remove these from the translation many weeks ago.
Something is not up to date in your checkout of the environment (my guess
is you checked it out during the short period these strings were present).

Don't translate these, we should be able to take care of them when you
submit your translation (easiest way would be to remove the obsoletes).

These are strings which are used for North America only so you don't need
to translate them.

BTW, Kenni and I had noticed the soccor typo but not the fasion one... (-;

Have a nice day!

Misspelled strings in mythfrontend [ In reply to ]
----------------ursprüngliche Nachricht-----------------
Von: "Nicolas Riendeau" knight at
An: "Discussion about MythTV translation" mythtv-translators at
Datum: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:54:06 -0400

> Hi!
>> for mythfrontend a lot of strings have been added, two of them are
>> misspelled in my opinion:
>> * fasion -> fashion
>> * soccor -> soccer
> Unless something went very wrong, you shouldn't see these as Kenni
> submitted a patch to remove these from the translation many weeks ago.
> Something is not up to date in your checkout of the environment (my guess
> is you checked it out during the short period these strings were present).

> Don't translate these, we should be able to take care of them when you
> submit your translation (easiest way would be to remove the obsoletes).
> These are strings which are used for North America only so you don't need
> to translate them.
> BTW, Kenni and I had noticed the soccor typo but not the fasion one... (-;
> Have a nice day!
> Nick

Yes, they had been removed a few weeks ago and after that removal they were
gone in my environment and i did a translation and submitted a patch. But
yesterday they were present again. I run 'svn update' and wondered about the
count diff between the webinterface and the current version.

Do i really have to checkout everything again? Why does svn update not work?
I thought 'svn update' gives me the latest version? And the strings have
been removed from my environment after the removal, but they are back again?

Lots of questions, but i'm a bit confused :-)

Misspelled strings in mythfrontend [ In reply to ]

On 10/15/2010 3:18 AM, Florian Bittner wrote:
> Yes, they had been removed a few weeks ago and after that removal they were
> gone in my environment and i did a translation and submitted a patch. But
> yesterday they were present again. I run 'svn update' and wondered about the
> count diff between the webinterface and the current version.

You probably did not re-run lupdate because they had not been marked
obsolete (in Qt Linguist they appear greyed out).

The only way to remove them after that is to remove the obsoletes and we
only suggest to do that when your translation is pretty complete (like

> Do i really have to checkout everything again? Why does svn update not work?
> I thought 'svn update' gives me the latest version? And the strings have
> been removed from my environment after the removal, but they are back again?

No but I did not know you knew how to svn update so re-checking out
every thing was the easiest way for you to make sure you had the latest

> Lots of questions, but i'm a bit confused :-)

No problem, we are here for that...

