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MythMusic gallery playlist editor
Just a heads up for a change I made to the playlisttree that you will
have to change if you have already themed that screen in MythMusic.

Previously the buttonimage in the buttonlist used by the playlist
buttontree showed both the albumart/genre icons and an icon to indicate
the node type but that meant the node type icons filenames had to be
hard coded and couldn't be changed by the themer.

I've now added a nodetype state type to the buttonlist used in the
playlisteditor that is shown to indicate the type of the node. The
button image now only shows the coverart or genre icon if available, if
not available the image is reset so the default filename supplied in the
theme will be used (mm_nothumb.png in the default theme). If the current
node is a type that doesn't show any coverart or icon then the
buttonimage is effectively hidden by telling it to show the blank.png
image which is always available in the default theme and the nodetype
statetype will be shown instead.

So to summarise the changes needed the buttonimage needs a default
filename added that will be used when no coverart or genre icon can be
found like so:-

<imagetype name="buttonimage">
<filename>mm_nothumb.png</filename> <<<---- add this line

and a new nodetype statetype need adding like so:-

<statetype name="nodetype">
<state name="default" />
<state name="alltracks">
<imagetype name="alltracks">
<state name="genres">
<imagetype name="genres">
<state name="albums">
<imagetype name="albums">
<state name="artists">
<imagetype name="artists">
<state name="compartists">
<imagetype name="compartists">
<state name="ratings">
<imagetype name="ratings">
<state name="years">
<imagetype name="years">
<state name="compilations">
<imagetype name="compilations">
<state name="playlists">
<imagetype name="playlists">
<state name="smartplaylists">
<imagetype name="smartplaylists">

Paul H.
mythtv-theming mailing list