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Minor bug fix for Blue Abstract theme.....
Hi all,

I'm new here. I ran across the Blue Abstract theme via the MythTV wiki. I
downloaded and installed it, and discovered a minor bug.

When you go to the 'Manage Recordings->Upcoming Recordings' screen, instead
of printing the date in the program description, it was printing '%YEARSTARS

Looks like there was an extraneous space. I'm far from an XML expert, but I
managed to fix it, and I used 'diff -u' to generate a .patch file.

I guess I'm wondering if there's a maintainer I can send the fix to? Or
open a bug in a tracking system somewhere? Just wondering what the
procedure is.


Re: Minor bug fix for Blue Abstract theme..... [ In reply to ]
On Monday 03 Jan 2011 14:37:18 Mark Bobak wrote:
> I guess I'm wondering if there's a maintainer I can send the fix to? Or
> open a bug in a tracking system somewhere? Just wondering what the
> procedure is.

There should be a maintainer name and email listed in the themeinfo.xml
included with the theme.

Submitting a ticket would not be appropriate since that theme is not
maintained by a MythTV developer and is not kept in an official repository.

Stuart Morgan
mythtv-theming mailing list