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New NZ XMLTV EPG Grabber

Here's a screen scraper script I put together today, If anybody's
interested. I know some of you have other methods for getting EPG
data, but none of the others seemed to work for me. I used to run
xmltvnz on the windows 2003 web server at my previous place of
employment, but I no longer have access to that server... Thought a
free (as in speech) scraper might be a good idea.

It downloads listings from and At present it
returns the bare minimum (start times, show names, and channel names),
but I hope to improve it eventually. At present it only shows listings
for one, 2 and, 3, mainly because I can only receive those channels,
and it's 03:40 in the morning, and I'm all out of cola.

Some of the code could be a bit nicer too, and it needs to behave more
like a proper grabber, but it's a start...

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