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MySQL on SuSE 8.1
The battle goes on. Thanks to all who've helped
so far. Now I'm stuck on trying to get MySQL to
work under SuSE 8.1. The packages that come with
SuSE 8.1 don't seem to want to work, and I've
tried grabbing the sources and compiling (it worked
a bit better) but it still fails the tests. Looking
at the site, looks like they've got a
few terabytes of dox on the thing, but nothing for
someone that just wants to get the d*** thing working.
I don't really want to get my post grad degree in
MySQL, so I'm hoping someone might know of a pointer
to some step by step doc that would get it working
enough for MythTV. I'm prepared to format and
reinstall SuSE (for the 7th time?) as needed.

BWT, one of the reaons I'd like to do it under SuSE
is for firewire support.
