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MythTV edit feature suggestion
A friend records Iron Chef, and says that when they come
back from ads, the replay about 10 seconds of show. What
he has been trying to find (and would be grand in MythTV)
is something that would show the last frame/field before
the out mark, and the frame/field that you are selecting
for the in.

Ie, he'd like something where you'd see the last frame/field
on the left of the screen, then the "current selection
point" on the time line, and the field/frame for that on
the right. Then, if you can move forward/reverse and match
up the pictures, then mark the end of the cut. That make

Something that'd be a lot more fancy (read major challenge)
would be to generate a "frame/field difference value" (ie
error term) between the two points, then graph error term.
where the error goes lowest would likely be the two frames
that are the same (closest), and thus very good candidates
for the cut in/out points.
