Mailing List Archive

mythtv commits
Changes committed by ijr on Thu May 1 10:40:00 2003

Modified Files:
in MC/libs/libavcodec:
dv.c h263dec.c h264.c mpeg12.c mpegvideo.c mpegvideo.h
msmpeg4.c utils.c
in MC/libs/libmyth:
in MC/libs/libmythtv:
avformatdecoder.cpp guidegrid.cpp tv_play.cpp
in MC/programs/mythfrontend:
Log Message:
Fix for the mpeg decoder occasionally losing its position when seeking.
Change the epg startchan setting to a line edit, and fix it so it doesn't crash
when the given channel's not found.
Bandaid for the channel browsing death, Chris'll have to do a better fix.
libavcodec resync.
