Mailing List Archive

mythtv commits
Changes committed by ijr on Fri Dec 27 18:29:06 2002

Added Files:
in MC/libs/libmyth:
mythwizard.cpp mythwizard.h
Modified Files:
in MC/database:
0-7-to-0-8.sql cvs.sql mc.sql
in MC/libs/libmyth:
.cvsignore mythwidgets.cpp mythwidgets.h
settings.cpp settings.h
in MC/libs/libmythtv:
recordingprofile.cpp recordingprofile.h settings.txt
in MC/programs/mythfrontend:
globalsettings.cpp globalsettings.h main.cpp theme.txt
Log Message:
Working on the settings stuff.. Make an area for help text (though not much
of that's written yet), convert a few of the dialogs to wizards, make a
mythwizard class to get around some silliness in qwizard, enlarge the fonts in
the dialogs a bit, and add enough wizard pages to make everything fit in the
standard 800x600 window.
