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problem startup mod_perl
Hi fellows.

My name is Javier Medina and i trying to startup the mod_perl , can you
help me or tell me where can i find information about my problem.

When i try to startup the new httpd compiled with mod_perl i receive the
message : Syntax error on line 202 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a ..........
../bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

What is wrong or what i'm doing wrong.

I'm using this directives in my httpd.conf

ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache"

LoadModule env_module libexec/
LoadModule config_log_module libexec/
LoadModule mime_magic_module libexec/
LoadModule mime_module libexec/
LoadModule negotiation_module libexec/
LoadModule status_module libexec/
LoadModule info_module libexec/
LoadModule includes_module libexec/
LoadModule autoindex_module libexec/
LoadModule dir_module libexec/
LoadModule cgi_module libexec/
LoadModule asis_module libexec/
LoadModule imap_module libexec/

And another stuffs that i'm not incluiding here.

Thanks a lot.

* Ing. Javier Medina Bautista *
* Jefe del Departamento de Redes y Com. *
* Rectoria General *
* UAM *
* *
Re: problem startup mod_perl [ In reply to ]
Hi Javier,

1) If you have already built an apache with mod_perl and properly installed the mod_perl and apache modules, then you don't need to load mod_perl specifically.

2) LoadModule is a directive of mod_so ("shared object files"), which itself is a module that is not compiled into apache by default, so you would need to build apache with that module compiled in if you want to load modules that way.

Here is the code I use to build apache with mod_perl and a few other modules I like.

This assumes you have a directory called /distributions and that apache_1.3.6.tar.gz and mod_perl-1.21.tar.gz are located in that directory.

Note: I also included the script to proceed and install EmbPerl 1.2.1 (HTML-Embperl-1.2.1.tar.gz ) if desired.

Read first and use with caution.

##### INSTALL mod_perl and apache (together)...

cd /distributions
rm -rf apache_1.3.6
tar -zxf apache_1.3.6.tar.gz

cd /distributions
rm -rf mod_perl-1.21
tar -zxf mod_perl-1.21.tar.gz
cd /distributions/mod_perl-1.21
perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.6/src \

## Prep for apache install....
# rm -rf /etc/httpd/ ## Remove Red Hat's default config...
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
## end Prep

cd /distributions/apache_1.3.6

./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/httpd.conf/ \
--datadir=/etc/httpd.conf/ \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
--enable-module=usertrack \
--enable-module=proxy \
--enable-module=mmap_static \
--enable-module=rewrite \
--enable-module=so \
--enable-module=expires \

## Add the "security hole" flag only on the dev machine.
## This allows us to start up a server with User/Group root/root if desired.
if [ "$HOSTNAME" = '' ] ;
then echo "echo '-DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE'" >> src/apaci;

make clean; make; make install

cd /distributions/mod_perl-1.21
make test; make install

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

### Install Embperl

cd /distributions
tar -zxf HTML-Embperl-1.2.1.tar.gz
cd /distributions/HTML-Embperl-1.2.1
env APACHE_SRC=/distributions/apache_1.3.6/src perl Makefile.PL
make; make test; make install


At 12:48 PM -0600 2/22/00, Javier Medina Bautista wrote:
>Hi fellows.
>My name is Javier Medina and i trying to startup the mod_perl , can you
>help me or tell me where can i find information about my problem.
>When i try to startup the new httpd compiled with mod_perl i receive the
>message : Syntax error on line 202 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
>Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a ..........
>../bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
>What is wrong or what i'm doing wrong.
>I'm using this directives in my httpd.conf
>ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache"
>LoadModule env_module libexec/
>LoadModule config_log_module libexec/
>LoadModule mime_magic_module libexec/
>LoadModule mime_module libexec/
>LoadModule negotiation_module libexec/
>LoadModule status_module libexec/
>LoadModule info_module libexec/
>LoadModule includes_module libexec/
>LoadModule autoindex_module libexec/
>LoadModule dir_module libexec/
>LoadModule cgi_module libexec/
>LoadModule asis_module libexec/
>LoadModule imap_module libexec/
>And another stuffs that i'm not incluiding here.
>Thanks a lot.
>* Ing. Javier Medina Bautista *
>* Jefe del Departamento de Redes y Com. *
>* Rectoria General *
>* UAM *
>* *

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