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Re: random token re-used in subsequent requests [SOLVED] [ In reply to ]
On Tue, 31 May 2016 18:59:46 +0200
André Warnier <> wrote:

> But now you have a 32-bit machine + OS, and a 32-bit perl, right ?

now it's a 64-bit machine + OS. I use standard distribution packages for everything.

I installed qemu-kvm and created a 32-bit VM guest on it to try and reproduce the problem, unsuccessfully.

> The problem before happened on a 64-bit machine, with a 64-bit OS, but a 32-bit perl, no ?

It was the same 64-bit machine, installed with a 32-bit OS (Debian i386); using system Perl and distribution packages for Apache/mod_perl, so I assume everything was 32-bit

I just found this in the Debian docs ( :

"If your system has a 64-bit processor from the AMD64 or Intel 64 families, you will probably want to use the installer for the amd64 architecture instead of the installer for the (32-bit) i386 architecture."

So, maybe it was not a good idea?

Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron
Gestion des sinistres assurance et des dossiers contentieux pour le service juridique
Re: random token re-used in subsequent requests [SOLVED] [ In reply to ]
On Tue, 31 May 2016 19:13:25 +0200
demerphq <> wrote:

> If it can be replicated on a command line then yes.

It could not be replicated on the command line; I tried this, and got 10M unique keys :

xxxx@arsene:~$ perl -le '%h=();for (1..10_000_000) {my $session_id = join "", map +(0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(10+26*2)],
1..32;$h{$session_id}=1};$v=keys %h; print $v'

Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron
Logiciels de gestion, libres

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