Mailing List Archive

t/api/err_headers_out.t failures with HTTP::Message 6.06
We recently started seeing mod_perl test failures like this:

Test Summary Report
t/api/err_headers_out.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 6 Failed: 3)
Failed tests: 2-3, 5

Looking at the test code in that file:

# HTTP::Headers 6.00 makes the next 2 tests fail. When the response comes
# in the header name is stored as "x-err_headers_out". But when it is to
# be read below it is referred as "x-err-headers-out" and hence not found.
if defined HTTP::Headers->VERSION and HTTP::Headers->VERSION==6.00;

HTTP::Message 6.03 has HTTP::Headers VERSION 6.00
but the recent 6.06 has 6.05.

Changing that test to read 'HTTP::Headers->VERSION>=6.00' fixes
the problem (although the equality comparison with a float makes me
slightly nervous, but it seems to have worked earlier.) Patch attached
for convenience.

I couldn't find a CPAN RT ticket about this in the HTTP-Message queue.
Was the problem discussed with HTTP-Message maintainers? Is there
reason to expect that the problematic change will get reverted?

This is <>.
Niko Tyni