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[bug?] include mechanism
Hi list,

I started playing around with Apache::ASP the other day and encountered
a rather strange way of dealing with includes.

Let's say I have the following situation:

1 (folder)
+-- A (file)
+-- 2 (folder)
+-- B (file)
+-- C (file)

Let's also say we let:
A include B and
B include C

While we naturally use '#include file="2/B"' to include B from A, we
also naturally use '#include file="C"' to include C from B.
The problem is that this fails because it searches C in 1 rather than 2
due to the include simply not being aware of the fact that it was
basically called from within 2.
Calling B directly works, because ASP is then aware of being run in 2
and finds C accordingly.

While I personally consider this a bug, or a flaw at least, I would like
to hear the opinion of you guys.

Marko Friedemann
-- -==- 20 Zoll in Chemnitz

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