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New stuff available for creating/editing virtual keyboards on the N900 now available
I have just released some stuff to aid in creating/editing virtual keyboard
layouts on the N900, including layouts for the "special characters view"
(i.e. what you get if you press "sym")
The following files are included: script to decode a .vkb file to XML for editing (its a
modification of an existing Perl script, it now properly decodes everything
the N900 vkb parser will parse)
gen_vkb binary for program to generate a .vkb file from an XML file (its a
clone of the gen_vkb from older Maemo versions but it supports all the N900
gen_vkb.c source for gen_vkb script to compile gen_vkb.c
imlayout_vkb.h header file you can use to talk to the libimlayout library
(which loads and parses the vkb files)
vkb-format-v4.txt (modified/updated description of the .vkb file format)

If you wish to compile gen_vkb.c, you will need to put gen_vkb.c and in a folder on your scratchbox setup, then put imlayout_vkb.h in
your /usr/include, then make sure you have the libimlayout0 package
installed in your scratchbox install, then create a symbolic link from
/usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/ Then run

gen_vkb should compile and run for both x86 and ARM if you have a usable
libimlayout library available.

The stock vkb files are in /usr/share/keyboards and /usr/share/scv_layouts
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