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QtComponents and qmlviewer on N900
I'm trying to get a QtQuick app I made for Harmattan to work on N900 with
qmlviewer, and ran into some trouble.

I've done the following:
apt-get install qt-components qt-components-base-icons qtquickcompat
then this where I have the qml files:
sed -i 's/QtQuick 1.1/QtQuick 1.0/g' *.qml
But when I try to launch it I get
qmlviewer didn't find the components directly, but with
-I /usr/lib/qt4/imports/ it finds them.
But the import QtQuick 1.0 however crashed.
so I did
sed -i 's/QtQuick 1.0/Qt 4.7/g' *.qml
but then the import QtQuick 1.0 crashed in the Components.

Here's the error message:
file:///home/user/tmp/qml/main.qml:1:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module
"QtQuick": Cannot load library
(/usr/lib/qt4/imports/QtQuick/ undefined symbol:
import QtQuick 1.0

I don't get the QtQuick crash if I omit the -I, but then it can't find the
components module.

I use import com.meego 1.0 btw.
Re: QtComponents and qmlviewer on N900 [ In reply to ]

2011/8/18 mece <>:
> I'm trying to get a QtQuick app I made for Harmattan to work on N900 with
> qmlviewer, and ran into some trouble.
> [...]
> Here's the error message:
> file:///home/user/tmp/qml/main.qml:1:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module
> "QtQuick": Cannot load library
> /usr/lib/qt4/imports/QtQuick/
> (/usr/lib/qt4/imports/QtQuick/ undefined symbol:
> _ZNK21QDeclarativeListModel4dataEiRK5QListIiE)

You have the Qt Quick Compatibility module installed (the one that
allows you to "import QtQuick 1.0" even on 4.7.0). It's part of the
"mcsp" package:

The problem is that your is compiled against a
different version of Qt (that's why you get the "undefined symbol"
error). Try removing this package (and "qtquickcompat" if it's
installed) and it should work again - or at least not fail with that
error :)

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