Mailing List Archive


Meeting held 2014-07-22 at 20:00 UTC on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Ruediger Schiller (chem|st), (xes),
Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Philippe Coval (RzR), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)

Partial: Joerg Reisenweber (DocScrutinizer05)

Absent: Niel Nielsen (nieldk)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

* IRC cloaks
* administration of IRC channels
* certificates problem
* HiFo / MC e.V. transfer
* future of Harmattan
* listing of resources

Topic (IRC cloaks):

* As proposed last meeting by sixwheeledbeast the necessity and the basics (privacy) of cloaks on IRC was discussed briefly.
* As no one claimed to need that, no decision was made. Possibly to decided next meeting.
* Discussion faded smoothly to next topic...

Topic (administration of IRC channels):

* DocScrutinizer05 claimed the non-existence of any administration rights for Maemo affiliated personnel.
* The only person with IRC administrative rights seems to be Nokia/x-fade.
* rZr is going to contact x-fade and convince him to add a member of current council to GC (GroupContact) or inform IRC admins to do so.

Topic (certificates problem):

* chem|st stepped in and announced that all problems regarding certificates and also IRC administration will get solved as soon as the Maemo ownership/licensing is solved.
* This is work to be done by HiFo (resp. MC e.V.), but community may help getting the website straight by editing the documents in this thread.

Topic (HiFo / MC e.V. transfer):

* chem|st explained a bit about the current situation of HiFo (Woody is going to close the American HiFo bank account) and registering of MC e.V. (registration still needs to be confirmed by court).

Topic (future of Harmattan):

* MeeGo/Harmattan is closed down by Nokia. But it is not clear where the rights for Meego/Maemo6/Harmattan are at the moment.
* FOSS source DVD of Harmattan is available and may be hosted on (but not to consider due to resource limiting on current infra).
* Firmwares/flasher and so on (binary blobs) will most probably never be available like the ones from Maemo (due to binary blobs of 3rd parties).
* Other resources in question are the SDK repo and some development stuff (scratchbox, VMs).

Topic (listing of resources):

* It was clearly discussed that hosting of above mentioned resources will be against the law. But a named listing of those resources togther with a md5sum (better: sha1sum) will be okay.
* So we ask community to step in and help listing those resources. Please see rZr's post or edit directly here.
* A listing of files available on Nokia's NDS fire servers is also welcome but are to be seen as temporary solution, as those servers are foreseen to close down in near future (at least for our resources).

Action Items:

* RzR trying to contact x-fade.
