Mailing List Archive

Don't know where to turn
I've been on the list 2 months now, this is my first question, but
I don't think this question is directly related to this mail-list.

Here goes:

How can I read data from the packets before sending them?
Can I direct packets to special locations depending on their content?

It's just a crazy idea, but I think it could be fun having a "mysql cluster"
(one not depending on log files and stuff)

A possible setup could be (some real ASCII art:):

| |
"Director" <-------> "The backup"
| mysql-nodes | | | | |
| |
"Writeonly" ----> "readonly"

The "writeonly" mysql server gets all the "insert,delete..." altering
commands. And only two "writeonly" servers should be required by a cluster
(active+backup) this type should automaticly update the "readonly" servers.

The "readonly" mysql server gets all the "select, show..." reading commands.

Maybe the "director" could send all the altering sql to all the servers
insted of an automatic update deamon running.

Maybe this ain't possible of the way the mysql protocol works?
(maybe the login should be sent too, but wouldn't help the reason for having
that cluster)

Well lots of "maybe"'s, life is just a mind game...

P.S (I think linux and lvs rules, I've just configured a web cluster with two
directors, four real-servers in one go. I didn't use your scripts insted I
made my own, they are poorly written so I'll spare you the pain. I didn't
know about virtual ips, chains or nat (direct,tunnel), Robin the round and
least weighted. But that's all changed now. (except my poor english) I'm a
happy man)
Regz. RaiX
aka Morten Henriksen
developer at intermedia
Re: Don't know where to turn [ In reply to ]
Morten Niels Ole Henriksen wrote:

> How can I read data from the packets before sending them?
> Can I direct packets to special locations depending on their content?

what you're looking for is a layer-7 switch. LVS is a layer-4
switch. Hopefully LVS will have L-7 capabilities sometime.

> It's just a crazy idea, but I think it could be fun having a "mysql cluster"
> (one not depending on log files and stuff)

look at the LDS project

they are doing similar things


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA
Re: Don't know where to turn [ In reply to ]
Hello again...

> what you're looking for is a layer-7 switch. LVS is a layer-4
> switch. Hopefully LVS will have L-7 capabilities sometime.
Hmm, sounds like fun, you've got any links for this one?
or is it strictly a kernel thing?

> look at the LDS project
> they are doing similar things
yep! (sourceforge a great community, I'm a bit( or eight) new on the
internet, spent most the time reading about it:) I'm still impressed by the

Thank you for responding so quickly
Regz. RaiX
aka Morten Henriksen
developer at intermedia