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Problems wit directors that hangs!

I have a small web-cluster with 2 directors and (for the
moment) 2 realservers.

The Directors are PIII 650 Machines.
RedHat 6.2 Kernel 2.2.16-4
Piranha 0.4.17-2

I am using NAT. and are directing port 80 and 443.
Loadmonitor Uptime.
Scheduler wlc.

When the directors have been "active" and redirecing my
test-traffic (5-40 hits/s) for about 6 hours the director
stop redirecting traffic...

But it still works in some way.. (The Backup doesn't take
over util I run "pulse stop" on the master).
Then the backup starts.. and runs for another ~ 6h .. then
it stops..

The heartbeat-monitoring (for the directors) are running on
the inside-network (the same subnet as my realservers).. is
this good or is it better to have it on the outside?

If I try to restart Pulse on the failing dierctor.. I got a
message like this.

IP Virtual Server version 0.9.14 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn
[root@weblvs2 /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/pulse restart
Shutting down pulse:
[ OK ]
Starting pulse: pulse: cannot create heartbeat socket.
running as

Any suggestions on what I should do?

/ Johan Elmerfjord
Re: Problems wit directors that hangs! [ In reply to ]
Johan Elmerfjord wrote:
> Piranha 0.4.17-2
> Any suggestions on what I should do?

contact the piranha people


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA
Re: Problems wit directors that hangs! [ In reply to ]

I am having a lot of trouble setting up lvs-nat. Could you send me your
init scripts for your nat setup? Thank you very much. i know it is a
rather strange request but I am losing all my hair...

| Douglas F. Elznic |
| <dfelznic (at)> |
| |
| O r g |
| e. |
| z i n |
Re: Problems wit directors that hangs! [ In reply to ]
"Douglas F. ELznic" wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having a lot of trouble setting up lvs-nat. Could you send me your
> init scripts for your nat setup? Thank you very much. i know it is a
> rather strange request but I am losing all my hair...

I looked at the output of the configure script and told you that the
director cannot ping its default gw and told you to fix that. Until
you do, nothing you can ask here will get you a working LVS.


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA