Mailing List Archive

On 2/16/07, Erik Hatcher <> wrote:
> A recent e-mail from Mr. KinoSearch to java-user has a quote that I
> wanted to point out here:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > KS 0.20 doesn't even have Document or Field classes. :) They've
> > been eliminated, and native Perl hashes are now used to transport

> > document data.
> I think we could simplify (wow, even at this early stage) the solrb
> code a bit by simply representing a document as a Hash. For
> multiValued data, the values would be arrays.

That's how it works with the simple python client... I like to use
natives when possible.

Example usage from
from solr import *

c = SolrConnection(host='localhost:8983', persistent=True)
c.add(id='500',name='python test doc')
print'id:[* TO *]', wt='python', rows='10',indent='on')

The separate params to add is just syntactic sugar for a map (I
believe ruby has the same thing). Adding multiple documents is done
as an array-of-map.

> Do we really need any
> other semantics at the solrb level, or does a Hash convey it all?

Perhaps you could still use a hash, but the value could optionally be
a boosted value... is it possible to annotate any value in Ruby, or is
a separate BoostedValue class needed?

Might want to keep in mind updateable documents for the future. Not
sure how you would want them represented, but it looks like there will
be a separate param (or parameters) telling solr how to update
different fields (append, overwrite, increment, remove, etc)

Re: NO_NORMS and TOKENIZED? [ In reply to ]
On Feb 16, 2007, at 5:42 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

> I think we could simplify (wow, even at this early stage) the solrb
> code a bit by simply representing a document as a Hash.

FWIW, "documents as hashes" was something that Dave Balmain and I
discussed at length on the Ferret list and found ourselves in
complete agreement about.

> Marvin makes some other great points about fixed schemas, which
> maps to the schema.xml facility of Solr I believe.

You are kind. The funny thing is, I know very little about Solr.
(I'm an accidental legacy subscriber to this list.) I didn't even
realize it had a "schema" package until I was preparing to post and
went researching.

The KinoSearch::Schema class was actually inspired by the raft of
object-relational mappers on CPAN: Class::DBI (by Tony Bowden, a
primary developer of Plucene), DBIx::Class, etc. I thought of it as
and ORM without the underlying SQL table definition.

If there is convergence between KS and Solr on this issue, though, I
wouldn't be surprised.

Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research
Re: NO_NORMS and TOKENIZED? [ In reply to ]
On Feb 16, 2007, at 5:57 PM, Yonik Seeley wrote:

>> Do we really need any
>> other semantics at the solrb level, or does a Hash convey it all?
> boosts?

$index_writer->add_doc( \%doc, boost => $boost );

In KS, the add_doc method takes a hashref as its first argument, then
additional labeled parameters, of which there is currently only one:

Field boosts are set as part of the FieldSpec subclass.

package MySchema::title
use base qw( KinoSearch::Schema::FieldSpec );
sub boost { 2.5 }

It's not possible to boost individual fields within documents.

(: But it is possible to boost individual Tokens, since KS has
partially implemented the "flexible indexing" postings format. :)

Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research
RE: NO_NORMS and TOKENIZED? [ In reply to ]
I guess I'm in the minority here. I tend to use custom classes because I
can tweak the API to make it easier for people writing to the API. I'll
duck type all over the place to make things act like what someone might
expect, but I don't like forcing people to create raw data structures
when there are semantics that can make things easier.

In this case at hand, I was going to say that making a doc a hash makes
adding fields sequentially difficult. But ruby's nice enough that it
simply makes it a little ugly:
doc[:contents].to_a.push data

I like being able to write
doc[:contents] = data
where I know there's no other data for that field but I like being able
to write
doc << { :content => data }
A doc can certainly act like a hash in some cases, but it's more than a

One of the first tests I wrote (a long time ago, with less ruby under my
belt) for the jruby interface for adding docs was:

def test_add_lists

@index << [ :contents, "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog" ] \
<< [ :contents, "Alas poor Yorick,", \
:contents, "I knew him Horatio" ] \
<< [ :contents, [ "To be,", "or not ", "to be" ] ]


Was never too happy with the middle case. Maybe an extra list level?

This doesn't use an explicit doc object but it makes one internally.
That nice little cool (pronounced "scary") ability in ruby to say

class Array
def to_lucene_doc

class Hash
def to_lucene_doc

module Lucene
class Document
def to_lucene_doc
class Index
def << *docs! { |doc| doc.to_lucene_doc }

I haven't had as much time as I would like, either, to follow solrb (and
I guess I'm also in the minority thinking that solrb was a clever name).

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Hatcher []
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: NO_NORMS and TOKENIZED?

A recent e-mail from Mr. KinoSearch to java-user has a quote that I
wanted to point out here:

Begin forwarded message:
> KS 0.20 doesn't even have Document or Field classes. :) They've
> been eliminated, and native Perl hashes are now used to transport
> document data.

I think we could simplify (wow, even at this early stage) the solrb
code a bit by simply representing a document as a Hash. For
multiValued data, the values would be arrays. Do we really need any
other semantics at the solrb level, or does a Hash convey it all?
Just thinking out loud here, so feel free to ignore me.

Marvin makes some other great points about fixed schemas, which maps
to the schema.xml facility of Solr I believe. I am interested in
exploring how field names get mapped, along with client knowledge of
Solr's schema.xml structure, can make an elegant API.


p.s. I've queued up several ruby-dev e-mails to respond to over the
next several days. I'm happily swamped and eager to keep the
momentum of solrb and Flare going strong.