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Number of occurence from word query.
Hi all,

Is there a way to found out the number of times a word is found in the query?
For example if I search for: Java Programmers

Not only I want to retrieve the list of documents that matches, I also
wanted, within that search result, the count of Java and Programmers.

Is it possible to do this with Lucene? Or do I have do a bit of changes in
the code. If this so could someone kindly point me to the area? Currently I'm
still reading source code to further understand how it works.



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Re: Number of occurence from word query. [ In reply to ]
> Is there a way to found out the number of times a word is found in the
> query? For example if I search for: Java Programmers

I've looked at the code and need a bit of help. I've traced the code up to

If I'm not mistaken is this where my "search" logic is executed? But I'm lost
straight away after that onn in the TermInfosReader.get(). I have a feeling
that I have overlooked the place where the actual searching is done. Or
perhaps i'm just totally off the way here :D

any hints?



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