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Indexing documents without an extension..
Hi all,

Is there any means within lucene index a particular document wich has not an extension specified ?...

i.e -- I need to index a document named something like "DOC"( not "DOC.doc")

Thanks in advance..

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Re: Indexing documents without an extension.. [ In reply to ]
> Is there any means within lucene index a particular document wich has
> not an extension specified ?...
> i.e -- I need to index a document named something like "DOC"( not "DOC.doc
> ")

You can take a look at the Nutch MimeType resolver (
It solves mime types using a file extension repository, and can uses magic
numbers for some mime types in order to retrieve the document mime-type from
its content (without the extension).
This nutch utility has no dependency on nutch code, and it could be a good
idea to move it to lucene code (or perhaps to an utility library common to
both lucene and nutch...)


