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Using Lucene to search Jira subversion info.

I am new to Lucene.
Right now I am trying to use Lucene to search for the commit info(the "subversion" tab in Jira) in JIRA's SVN plugin(atlassian-subversion-revisions, using Lucene for logging/indexing).
I can't do that in the JIRA host machine so I tar all the Lucene log files and work on the at my local.
I see the regular index and data files under /index folder(.fdt, .fdx. .fnm, .nrm, .prx, ...).
I am trying to use Lucene package to read and search these files in Java, but so far no luck.
I am following this Fredrik's approach in this post.

Feeding my local log files dir as the "index"(see code below), "../atlassian-subversion-revisions". But it always come back and saying the "index is empty". Looks like it cannot find the index.
Has anyone tried doing this before?
For these parameters he listed in the example,
String index = null; // e.g. "C:\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA\caches\indexes\plugins\atlassian-subversion-revisions"
String field = null; // e.g. "key"
String query = null; // e.g. "PROJECT-123"
For "field" and "query", if I don't know the "key" and "Project-x" info, is there a way to find out from the log files? Or that's in the Jira's subversion plugin configuration.
Any info would be appreciated.