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Postgresql RA fails starting master node
Hi all,

I´m working on a two node cluster with pacemaker and postgresql.
For some reason I don't really understand pgsql RA fails to start postgres
on first node.
If I start postgresql manually on my two nodes, then replication works

I would really appreciate some clue on what to check from my installation
or configuration.

Thanks in advance.

I'm using:
OS: Debian 7
RA: resource-agents 1:3.9.2-5+deb7u2
but using pgsql RA from
Pacemaker: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
Postgresql: 9.1+134wheezy4

CRM actual state:

Last updated: Thu Aug 28 12:58:51 2014
Last change: Thu Aug 28 12:58:46 2014 via crmd on pz01
Stack: openais
Current DC: pz01 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
4 Resources configured.

Online: [ pz01 pz02 ]

Full list of resources:

Master/Slave Set: msPostgresql [pgsql]
Slaves: [ pz02 ]
Stopped: [ pgsql:1 ]
Resource Group: master-group
vip-master (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped
vip-rep (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped

Node Attributes:
* Node pz01:
+ master-pgsql:0 : -INFINITY
+ pgsql-data-status : DISCONNECT
+ pgsql-status : STOP
* Node pz02:
+ master-pgsql:0 : -INFINITY
+ pgsql-data-status : DISCONNECT
+ pgsql-status : HS:alone

Failed actions:
pgsql:0_start_0 (node=pz01, call=5, rc=1, status=complete): unknown

Log line with error (I can post all logs you need):
pz01 pengine: [20843]: WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing failed op
pgsql:0_last_failure_0 on pz01: unknown error (1)

node pz01 \
attributes pgsql-data-status="DISCONNECT"
node pz02 \
attributes pgsql-data-status="DISCONNECT"
primitive pgsql ocf:heartbeat:pgsql \
params repuser="postgres" pgdba="postgres" config="/etc/postgresql
/9.1/main/postgresql.conf" pgctl="/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/pg_ctl"
psql="/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/psql" pgdata="/var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/"
rep_mode="sync" node_list="pz01 pz02" restore_command="cp /var/lib/
postgresql/9.1/main/archive/%f %p" primary_conninfo_opt="keepalives_idle=60
keepalives_interval=5 keepalives_count=5" master_ip="" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
op monitor interval="7s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
op monitor interval="2s" role="Master" timeout="60s"
on-fail="restart" \
op promote interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
op demote interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="stop" \
op stop interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="block" \
op notify interval="0s" timeout="60s"
primitive vip-master ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
params ip="" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="24" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="stop" \
op monitor interval="10s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
op stop interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="block"
primitive vip-rep ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
params ip="" nic="eth2" cidr_netmask="24" \
meta migration-threshold="0" \
op start interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
op monitor interval="10s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
op stop interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="block"
group master-group vip-master vip-rep \
meta ordered="false"
ms msPostgresql pgsql \
meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
colocation rsc_colocation-0 inf: vip-master msPostgresql:Master
order rsc_order-1 inf: msPostgresql:promote master-group:start
order rsc_order-2 0: msPostgresql:demote master-group:stop symmetrical=false
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \
cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
expected-quorum-votes="2" \
stonith-enabled="false" \
no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
crmd-transition-delay="0s" \
rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
resource-stickiness="INFINITY" \
Linux-HA mailing list
See also:
Re: Postgresql RA fails starting master node [ In reply to ]

Let me ask some things,

Can pz01 run under pacemker, without pz02?
Something differed from running only pz02?
Could you find some hints in the logs of each postgresql(and pgstartup.log)?


Takehiro Matsushima
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: