Mailing List Archive

Heartbeat 0.4.7f now on web site

We've put a version 0.4.7f of heartbeat up on the web.

It includes a fix which made it whine incessantly (and loudly) about no
one owning local resources, if there weren't any defined. Thanks to
Luis for spotting this!

This also includes Jacob Rief's ldirectord version 1.9.

NOTE: Ldirectord 1.8 (which went out with 0.4.7d) has a fatal memory
If you installed 0.4.7d, and run ldirectord GET THIS UPDATE.

This includes Luis Claudio R Goncalves' fix to 0.4.7c which kept it from
running at all for him (oops!)

Most prominent among them is probably "nice_failback" from lclaudio.
However, there are *many* other minor and major changes which have gone
into it. Read the ChangeLog...

+ Made the order of resource takeover more rational: Takeover is now
left-to-right, and giveup is right-to-left
+ Changed the default port number to our official IANA port number
+ Regularized more messages, eliminated some redundant ones.
+ Print the version of heartbeat when starting.
+ Hosts now have 3 statuses {down, up, active} active means that it
knows that all its links are operational, and it's safe to send
cluster messages
+ Significant revisions to nice_failback (mainly due to lclaudio)
+ More SuSE-compatibility. Thanks to Friedrich Lobenstock
+ Tidied up logging so it can be to files, to syslog or both (Horms)
+ Tidied up build process (Horms)
+ Updated ldirectord to produce and install a man page and be
compatible with the fwmark options to The Linux Virtual Server
+ Added log rotation for ldirectord and heartbeat using logrotate
if it is installed
+ Added Audible Alarm resource by Kirk Lawson <>
and myself (Horms)
+ Added init script for ldirectord so it can be run independently
of heartbeat (Horms)
+ Added sample config file for ldirectord (Horms)
+ An empty /etc/ha.d/conf/ is now part of the rpm distribution
as this is where ldirectord's configuration belongs (Horms)
+ Minor startup script tweaks. Hopefully, we should be able to make
core files should we crash in the future. Thanks to Holger
Kiehl for diagnosing the problem!
+ Fixed a bug which kept the "logfile" option from ever working.
+ Added a TestCluster test utility. Pretty primitive so far...
+ Fixed the serial locking code so that it unlocks when it shuts down.
+ Lock heartbeat into memory, and raise our priority

This also incorporates the version 1.9 of ldirectord from Jacob Rief.

The nice_failback code has been very extensively tested - more so than
any previous version of heartbeat. It was tested with the new
TestCluster tool.

SO... It includes lots of new fixes... Lots of new features!

Give it a try, and let me know what you think.

Now, on to the API...

I'm aiming for a 0.5 release which is in really good shape, including
the API.

-- Alan Robertson