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[LinuxFailSafe] LinuxFailSafe Symposium
Alan Robertson wrote:
> Chris Wright wrote:
> > Will there be any SGI folks there?? Do you have an agenda of sorts? I'm
> > interested in going, but want to make sure that the time will be well spent
> It looks like there will be 3 SGI people. They are enthusiastic about
> attending, and are scrambling to make proper arrangements just like all
> of you. I'm scrambling to make arrangements too, just of a different
> sort :-)

We are going to have three people there. We will hopefully have a
Failsafe demo, if the equipment makes it there in one piece, and we
will have a talk about capabilities and as many technical details as we
can go into. The people who will be there have a lot combined knowledge
about Failsafe so we should be able to answer your questions. I
hope we can have some documentation available with us but if not, it
will be on the SGI open source web site shortly afterwards

We are doing as much as we can to put this all together at short
notice, our desire is for it to be coherent and as useful for people
as we can.


Simon Patience Phone: (650) 933-4644
Silicon Graphics, Inc FAX: (650) 933-0170
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