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Lexicon and PostingList now public

In svn trunk, Lexicon and PostingList are now public classes. So are
the IndexReader factory methods needed to obtain them.

Lexicon is an iterator which supplies a field's unique terms in sorted

my $lexicon = $index_reader->lexicon( field => 'content' );
while ( $lexicon->next ) {
say $lexicon->get_term;

PostingList, which is also an iterator, supplies the document numbers
which match a given term.

my $posting_list = $index_reader->posting_list( field =>
'content' );
while ( my $doc_num = $posting_list->next ) {
say "Matching doc num: $doc_num";

The API for the factory methods is slightly different than what was
discussed earlier: they take labeled parameters rather than 1-2
positional arguments.

In both cases, adding a "term" parameter is equivalent to adding a
call to seek().

$lexicon = $index_reader->lexicon(
field => 'content',
term => 'foo',
# same as this:
$lexicon = $index_reader->lexicon( field => 'content' );

$posting_list = $index_reader->posting_list(
field => 'content',
term => 'foo',
# same as this:
$posting_list = $index_reader->posting_list( field => 'content' );

Note that a the "term" argument does not take a
KinoSearch::Index::Term object, but just a string scalar. This may
seem a little confusing, but it will become less confusing soon:
KinoSearch::Index::Term is about to go bye-bye.

Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research

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