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find matching term
Hi Marvin,

I have a question the old KinoSearch version 0.162 we're currently using.

What I'd really like to know is: Is there a way (even if it's quite
tricky) to find out which search terms matched? Because we're searching
multiple terms with 'OR' but I need to know, which term matched and
which did not. At the moment I'm splitting the the words manually and do
a search for each of them and at last if have the information for each
word, but this is ridicoulus because it takes so much processing time
and complicated code.

And I have also a quite similar problem. We have quite a lot of fields
in the index and we want to make excerpts on the field(s) that match.
But as I don't know which field(s) the search term matched I have to
make excerpts for all of the fields for each hit and to see which fields
return an excerpt with a <strong>...</strong> tag. Is there no way to
find out which fields the term matched against and only doing excerpts
for the matching fields?

Thanks a lot for any help on this problems, because I can solve both
with a quite some overhead, performance loss and complicated code and I
really hope there are a few tricks which would give access to these
informations provided this exists.



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