Mailing List Archive

Recalibrating for 0.20

As some of you know, I'm on a full-time contracting gig right now.
It started in May, and it runs through mid-August or so. I'm
planning to throw myself back into KS full time after it finishes up,
but in the meantime, I really, really want to get a release candidate
for 0.20 out. There are three big TODO items standing in the way.

* Restore Windows compatibility
* KinoSearch::Simple::HTML
* Position-aware BooleanScorer

I've gotten my grubby little mitts on a Win2K box, so the first task
is now within reach.

The second task, I'm leaning towards releasing as as KSx::Simple::HTML.

The position-aware BooleanScorer, I've decided to strike from the
list. At some point, I expect to implement such a beast, but I'll
most likely release it as a KSx extension
(KSx::Search::PositionBooleanQuery or some such). The current
scoring mechanism, proven over time in both KS and Lucene, will
remain the default.

There are a few other items.

* Mark Analyzer, TokenBatch, and Token as "experimental".
* Kill off Hits->seek.
* Flesh out the Tutorial and add a couple Cookbook recipes.

Nathan, I'll remain optimistic and await a patch from you for the
Hits->seek issue. ;)

I'd also like you (and anyone else that feels like piling on) to
force me to defend other aspects of the KS public API. :) The Query/
Weight/Scorer issue isn't crucial, because that's all private and we
can change it later. I think that's also the case for Filter, as
where we implement the filtering within the guts of Searcher->search
won't be visible -- but please let me know if you suspect something
that might impede refactoring later.

Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research