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r3779 - in trunk/perl: . lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook
Author: creamyg
Date: 2008-08-28 13:12:21 -0700 (Thu, 28 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 3779

Move Cookbook entry WildCardQueryParser to CustomQueryParser and edit its

Modified: trunk/perl/MANIFEST
--- trunk/perl/MANIFEST 2008-08-28 19:01:55 UTC (rev 3778)
+++ trunk/perl/MANIFEST 2008-08-28 20:12:21 UTC (rev 3779)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@

Copied: trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/CustomQueryParser.pod (from rev 3778, trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/WildCardQueryParser.pod)
--- trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/CustomQueryParser.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/CustomQueryParser.pod 2008-08-28 20:12:21 UTC (rev 3779)
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+=head1 NAME
+KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::CustomQueryParser - Sample subclass of
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+Create a custom search query language, using KinoSearch::QueryParser and
+=head1 Grammar-based vs. hand-rolled
+There are two classic strategies for writing a text parser.
+=item 1
+Create a grammar-based parser using Perl modules like Parse::RecDescent or
+Parse::YAPP, C utilities like lex and yacc, etc.
+=item 2
+Hand-roll your own parser.
+We'll start off with hand-rolling, but we'll ultimately move to the
+grammar-based parsing technique because of its superior flexibility.
+=head1 The language
+At first, our query language will support only simple term queries and phrases
+delimited by double quotes. For simplicity's sake, it will not support
+parenthetical groupings, boolean operators, or prepended plus/minus. The
+results for all subqueries will be unioned together -- i.e. joined using an OR
+-- which is usually the best approach for small-to-medium-sized document
+Later, we'll add support for trailing wildcards.
+=head1 Single-field regex-based parser
+Hand-rolling a parser can be labor-intensive, but our proposed query language
+is simple enough that chewing up the query string with some simple regular
+expressions will do the trick.
+We'll use a fixed field name of "content", and a fixed choice of English
+ package SimpleQueryParser;
+ use KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery;
+ use KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery;
+ use KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery;
+ use Carp;
+ sub new {
+ my $analyzer = KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
+ language => 'en',
+ );
+ return bless {
+ field => 'content',
+ analyzer => $analyzer,
+ }, __PACKAGE__;
+ }
+Some private helper subs for creating TermQuery and PhraseQuery objects will
+help keep the size of our main parse() subroutine down:
+ sub _make_term_query {
+ my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
+ return KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery->new(
+ field => $self->{field},
+ term => $term,
+ );
+ }
+ sub _make_phrase_query {
+ my ( $self, $terms ) = @_;
+ return KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery->new(
+ field => $self->{field},
+ terms => $terms,
+ );
+ }
+This private _tokenize() method treats double-quote delimited material as a
+phrase and everything else as a term:
+ sub _tokenize {
+ my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
+ my @tokens;
+ while ( length $query_string ) {
+ if ( $query_string =~ s/^\s*// ) {
+ next; # skip whitespace
+ }
+ elsif ( $query_string =~ s/^"([^"]*)(?:"|$)// ) {
+ push @tokens, $1; # double-quoted phrase
+ }
+ else {
+ $query_string =~ s/(\S+)//;
+ push @tokens, $1; # single word
+ }
+ }
+ return \@tokens;
+ }
+The main parsing routine creates an array of tokens by calling _tokenize(),
+runs the tokens through through the PolyAnalyzer, creates TermQuery or
+PhraseQuery objects, and adds each of the sub-queries to the primary ORQuery.
+ sub parse {
+ my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
+ my $tokens = $self->_tokenize($query_string);
+ my $analyzer = $self->{analyzer};
+ my $or_query = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
+ for my $token (@$tokens) {
+ if ( $token =~ s/^"// ) {
+ $token =~ s/"$//;
+ my $terms = $analyzer->split($token);
+ my $query = $self->_make_phrase_query($terms);
+ $or_query->add_child($phrase_query);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $terms = $analyzer->split($token);
+ if ( @$terms == 1 ) {
+ my $query = $self->_make_term_query( $terms->[0] );
+ $or_query->add_child($query);
+ }
+ elsif ( @$terms > 1 ) {
+ my $query = $self->_make_phrase_query($terms);
+ $or_query->add_child($query);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $or_query;
+ }
+=head1 Single-field Parse::RecDescent-based parser
+Instead of using regular expressions to tokenize the string, we can use
+ my $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
+ leaf_queries:
+ leaf_query(s?)
+ { $item{'leaf_query(s)'} }
+ leaf_query:
+ phrase_query
+ | term_query
+ term_query:
+ /(\S+)/
+ { $1 }
+ phrase_query:
+ /("[^"]*(?:"|$))/ # terminated by either quote or end of string
+ { $1 }
+ sub new {
+ my $analyzer = KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
+ language => 'en',
+ );
+ my $rd_parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
+ return bless {
+ field => 'content',
+ analyzer => $analyzer,
+ rd_parser => $rd_parser,
+ }, __PACKAGE__;
+ }
+The behavior of a Parse::RecDescent parser based on the grammar above is
+exactly the same as that of our regex-based tokenization routine from before,
+so we can leave parse() intact and simply change _tokenize():
+ sub _tokenize {
+ my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
+ return $self->{rd_parser}->leaf_queries($query_string);
+ }
+=head2 Multi-field parser
+Most often, the end user will want their search query to match not only a
+single 'content' field, but also 'title' and so on. To make that happen, we
+have to turn queries such as this...
+ foo AND NOT bar
+... into the logical equivalent of this:
+ (title:foo OR content:foo) AND NOT (title:bar OR content:bar)
+Rather than continue with our own from-scratch parser class and write the
+routines to accomplish that expansion, we're now going to subclass
+KinoSearch::QueryParser and take advantage of some of its existing methods.
+Our first parser implementation had the "content" field name and the choice of
+English PolyAnalyzer hard-coded for simplicity, but we don't need to do that
+this time -- KinoSearch::QueryParser's constructor requires a Schema which
+conveys field and Analyzer information, so we can just defer to that.
+ package SimpleQueryParser;
+ use base ( KinoSearch::QueryParser );
+ ...
+ our %rd_parser;
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $rd_parser{$$self} = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $rd_parser{$$self};
+ $self->SUPER::DESTROY;
+ }
+If we modify our Parse::RecDescent grammar slightly, we can eliminate the
+_tokenize(), _make_term_query(), and _make_phrase_query() helper subs, and our
+parse() subroutine can be chopped way down. We'll have the C<term_query> and
+C<phrase_query> productions generate LeafQuery objects, and add a C<tree>
+production which joins the leaves together with an ORQuery.
+ my $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
+ tree:
+ leaf_queries
+ {
+ $return = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
+ $return->add_child($_) for @{ $item[1] };
+ }
+ leaf_queries:
+ leaf_query(s?)
+ { $item{'leaf_query(s)'} }
+ leaf_query:
+ phrase_query
+ | term_query
+ term_query:
+ /(\S+)/
+ { KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
+ phrase_query:
+ /("[^"]*(?:"|$))/ # terminated by either quote or end of string
+ { KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
+ ...
+ sub parse {
+ my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
+ my $tree = $rd_parser{$$self}->tree($query_string);
+ return $self->expand($tree);
+ }
+The magic happens in KinoSearch::QueryParser's expand() method, which walks
+the ORQuery object we supply to it looking for LeafQuery objects, and calls
+expand_leaf() for each one it finds. expand_leaf() performs field-specific
+analysis, decides whether each query should be a TermQuery or a PhraseQuery,
+and if multiple fields are required, creates an ORQuery which mults out e.g.
+C<foo> into C<(title:foo OR content:foo)>.
+=head1 Extending the query language.
+To add support for trailing wildcards to our query language, first we need to
+modify our grammar, adding a C<wildcard_query> production and tweaking the
+C<leaf_query> production to accommodate it.
+ leaf_query:
+ phrase_query
+ | wildcard_query
+ | term_query
+ wildcard_query:
+ /(\w+\*)/
+ { KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
+Second, we need to override expand_leaf() to accommodate WildCardQueries,
+while deferring to its original implementation on TermQueries and
+ sub expand_leaf {
+ my ( $self, $leaf_query ) = @_;
+ my $text = $leaf_query->get_text;
+ if ( $text =~ /\*$/ ) {
+ my $or_query = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
+ for my $field ( @{ $self->get_fields } ) {
+ my $wildcard_query = WildCardQuery->new(
+ field => $field,
+ query_string => $text,
+ );
+ $or_query->add_child($wildcard_query);
+ }
+ return $or_query;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->SUPER::expand_leaf($leaf_query);
+ }
+ }
+Copyright 2008 Marvin Humphrey
+See L<KinoSearch> version 0.20.

Deleted: trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/WildCardQueryParser.pod
--- trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/WildCardQueryParser.pod 2008-08-28 19:01:55 UTC (rev 3778)
+++ trunk/perl/lib/KinoSearch/Docs/Cookbook/WildCardQueryParser.pod 2008-08-28 20:12:21 UTC (rev 3779)
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook::WildCardQueryParser - Sample subclass of
-=head1 ABSTRACT
-Create a custom search query language, using KinoSearch::QueryParser and
-=head1 Grammar-based vs. hand-rolled
-There are basically two strategies for writing a parser.
-=item 1
-Create a grammar-based parser using Perl modules like Parse::RecDescent or
-Parse::YAPP, classic C utilities like lex and yacc, etc.
-=item 2
-Hand-roll your own parser.
-We'll start off with hand-rolling, but will ultimately move to the
-grammar-based parsing technique more because of its superior flexibility.
-=head1 The language
-At first, our query language will support only simple term queries and phrases
-delimited by double quotes. For simplicity's sake, it will not support
-parenthetical groupings, boolean operators, or prepended plus/minus. The
-results for all subqueries will be joined together using an OR, which is
-usually the most appropriate choice for small document collections.
-Later, we will add support for trailing wildcards.
-=head1 Single-field regex-based parser
-Hand-rolling a parser can be labor-intensive, but our query language is simple
-enough that chewing up the query string with some simple regular expressions
-will do the trick.
-We'll use a fixed field name of "content", and a fixed choice of English
- package SimpleQueryParser;
- use KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery;
- use KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery;
- use KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery;
- use Carp;
- sub new {
- my $analyzer = KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
- language => 'en',
- );
- return bless {
- field => 'content',
- analyzer => $analyzer,
- }, __PACKAGE__;
- }
-Some private helper subs for creating TermQuery and PhraseQuery objects will
-help keep the size of our main parse() subroutine down:
- sub _make_term_query {
- my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
- return KinoSearch::Search::TermQuery->new(
- field => $self->{field},
- term => $term,
- );
- }
- sub _make_phrase_query {
- my ( $self, $terms ) = @_;
- return KinoSearch::Search::PhraseQuery->new(
- field => $self->{field},
- terms => $terms,
- );
- }
-This private _tokenize() method treats double-quote delimited material as a
-phrase and everything else as a term (including words like 'AND'):
- sub _tokenize {
- my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
- my @tokens;
- while ( length $query_string ) {
- if ( $query_string =~ s/^\s*// ) {
- next;
- }
- elsif ( $query_string =~ s/^"([^"]*)(?:"|$)// ) {
- push @tokens, $1;
- }
- else {
- $query_string =~ s/(\S+)//;
- push @tokens, $1;
- }
- }
- return \@tokens;
- }
-The main parsing routine runs the tokens generated by _tokenize() through the
-PolyAnalyzer, creates TermQuery or PhraseQuery objects, and adds them to the
-primary ORQuery.
- sub parse {
- my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
- my $tokens = $self->_tokenize($query_string);
- my $analyzer = $self->{analyzer};
- my $or_query = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
- for my $token (@$tokens) {
- if ( $token =~ s/^"// ) {
- $token =~ s/"$//;
- my $terms = $analyzer->split($token);
- my $query = $self->_make_phrase_query($terms);
- $or_query->add_child($phrase_query);
- }
- else {
- my $terms = $analyzer->split($token);
- if ( @$terms == 1 ) {
- my $query = $self->_make_term_query( $terms->[0] );
- $or_query->add_child($query);
- }
- elsif ( @$terms > 1 ) {
- my $query = $self->_make_phrase_query($terms);
- $or_query->add_child($query);
- }
- }
- }
- return $or_query;
- }
-Note that an empty query string generates an ORQuery with no children, which
-is fine.
-=head1 Single-field Parse::RecDescent-based parser
-Instead of using regular expressions to tokenize the string, we can use
- my $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
- leaf_queries:
- leaf_query(s?)
- { $item{'leaf_query(s)'} }
- leaf_query:
- phrase_query
- | term_query
- term_query:
- /(\S+)/
- { $1 }
- phrase_query:
- /("[^"]*(?:"|$))/ # terminated by either quote or end of string
- { $1 }
- sub new {
- my $analyzer = KinoSearch::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
- language => 'en',
- );
- my $rd_parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
- return bless {
- field => 'content',
- analyzer => $analyzer,
- rd_parser => $rd_parser,
- }, __PACKAGE__;
- }
-The behavior of a Parse::RecDescent parser based on the grammar above is
-exactly the same as that of our regex based-tokenization routine from before,
-so we can leave parse() intact and simply change _tokenize():
- sub _tokenize {
- my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
- return $self->{rd_parser}->leaf_queries($query_string);
- }
-=head2 Multi-field parser
-Most often, the end user will want their search query to match not only a
-single 'content' field, but also 'title', etc. To make that happen, we have
-to turn queries such as this...
- foo AND NOT bar
-... into the logical equivalent of this:
- (title:foo OR content:foo) AND NOT (title:bar OR content:bar)
-Rather than continue with our own from-scratch parser class and write the
-routines to accomplish that expansion, we're now going to subclass
-KinoSearch::QueryParser and take advantage of some of its existing methods.
-We no longer need to specify fields or analyzers explicitly, since
-QueryParser's constructor requires a Schema which conveys that information.
- package SimpleQueryParser;
- use base ( KinoSearch::QueryParser );
- ...
- our %rd_parser;
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- $rd_parser{$$self} = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
- return $self;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $self = shift;
- delete $rd_parser{$$self};
- $self->SUPER::DESTROY;
- }
-If we modify our Parse::RecDescent grammar slightly, we can eliminate the
-_tokenize(), _make_term_query(), and _make_phrase_query() helper subs, and our
-parse() subroutine can be chopped way down. We'll have the C<term_query> and
-C<phrase_query> productions generate LeafQuery objects, and add a C<tree>
-production which joins the leaves together with an ORQuery.
- my $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
- tree:
- leaf_queries
- {
- $return = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
- $return->add_child($_) for @{ $item[1] };
- }
- leaf_queries:
- leaf_query(s?)
- { $item{'leaf_query(s)'} }
- leaf_query:
- phrase_query
- | term_query
- term_query:
- /(\S+)/
- { KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
- phrase_query:
- /("[^"]*(?:"|$))/ # terminated by either quote or end of string
- { KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
- ...
- sub parse {
- my ( $self, $query_string ) = @_;
- my $tree = $rd_parser{$$self}->tree($query_string);
- return $self->expand($tree);
- }
-The magic happens in QueryParser's expand() method, which walks the ORQuery
-object we supply to it looking for LeafQuery objects, and calls expand_leaf()
-for each one it finds. expand_leaf() performs field-specific analysis,
-decides whether each query should be a TermQuery or a PhraseQuery, and if
-multiple fields are required, creates an ORQuery which mults out e.g. C<foo>
-into C<(title:foo OR content:foo)>.
-=head1 Extending the query language.
-To add support for trailing wildcards to our query language, first we need to
-modify our grammar, adding a C<wildcard_query> production and tweaking the
-C<leaf_query> production to accommodate it.
- leaf_query:
- phrase_query
- | wildcard_query
- | term_query
- wildcard_query:
- /(\w+\*)/
- { KinoSearch::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => $1 ) }
-Second, we need to override expand_leaf() to accommodate WildCardQueries,
-while deferring to its original implementation on TermQueries and
- sub expand_leaf {
- my ( $self, $leaf_query ) = @_;
- my $text = $leaf_query->get_text;
- if ( $text =~ /\*$/ ) {
- my $or_query = KinoSearch::Search::ORQuery->new;
- for my $field ( @{ $self->get_fields } ) {
- my $wildcard_query = WildCardQuery->new(
- field => $field,
- query_string => $text,
- );
- $or_query->add_child($wildcard_query);
- }
- return $or_query;
- }
- else {
- return $self->SUPER::expand_leaf($leaf_query);
- }
- }
-Copyright 2008 Marvin Humphrey
-See L<KinoSearch> version 0.20.

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