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cs5435: break; in S_CTRL routine appears bogus

The break; statement you pointed out in the cs5435 driver does appear to
be bogus. I haven't tested removing it yet.

Unfortunately there is no history in the hg log about this particular
line. I can rationalize how it got there from a cx18-centric testing
point of view. But obviously this module needs to work for other
drivers in the future.


ivtv-devel mailing list
Re: cs5435: break; in S_CTRL routine appears bogus [ In reply to ]
On Friday 19 December 2008 12:39:40 Andy Walls wrote:
> Hans,
> The break; statement you pointed out in the cs5435 driver does appear to
> be bogus. I haven't tested removing it yet.
> Unfortunately there is no history in the hg log about this particular
> line. I can rationalize how it got there from a cx18-centric testing
> point of view. But obviously this module needs to work for other
> drivers in the future.

I analyzed it and it's just a bogus line that can be removed. cx18 will
never attempt to set these controls in the cs5345, so it is clearly some
debug line that was never deleted.

I've converted cs5345 to v4l2_subdev and fixed this at the same time (it's
how I found it). So I will add it to my v4l-dvb-subdev repo and ask for
Mauro to pull from it.



Hans Verkuil - video4linux developer - sponsored by TANDBERG

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