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Setting email sender address
I have a few different websites running IC on the same server. When someone
enters an email address at checkout that is invalid, as the hostmaster, I see
the bounce. I would like to have IC set the email envelope sender for each
catalog, so that bounces go to the appropriate admin for their respective
catalogs (instead of just going to root, or the interch user).

interchange-users mailing list
Re: Setting email sender address [ In reply to ]
Quoting Bob Puff (
> I have a few different websites running IC on the same server. When someone
> enters an email address at checkout that is invalid, as the hostmaster, I see
> the bounce. I would like to have IC set the email envelope sender for each
> catalog, so that bounces go to the appropriate admin for their respective
> catalogs (instead of just going to root, or the interch user).

When I use sendmail, I put the catalog owner in "trusted-users"
(/etc/mail/trusted-users on CentOS), and then in catalog.cfg:

SendMailProgram /usr/local/bin/sendmail_bg -f __EMAIL_INFO__

sendmail_bg is a script that just forks sendmail in the background. Here
is mine:



use File::Temp;

my $basedir = "/tmp/sendmail-$ENV{'USER'}";
my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
my @opts;
for(@ARGV) {
push @opts, $_;
for(@opts) { shift(@ARGV) }
my $opt = join ' ', @opts;

umask 2;

mkdir $basedir unless -d $basedir;

my $tmp = File::Temp->new( DIR => $basedir );

my $tmpnam = $tmp->filename;

open OUT, "> $tmpnam"
or die "Cannot create $tmpnam: $!\n";

my $cmdline = join " ", $sendmail, $opt, '<', $tmpnam, '&';

while(<>) {
print OUT $_;

close OUT;


if($?) {
die "Failed to fork sendmail: $!\n"

Josh Lavin
Perusion -- Expert Interchange Consulting
... ask me about job opportunities ...

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