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IC 4.6.1 possible bug & fix for price_group feature
Hello all,

I've been having trouble getting the Mix and Match feature to work as I
thought it should using the price_group feature (but maybe I'm
misunderstanding the intent here). So, I started tracing through the code
of the chain_cost & tag_nitems subroutines to see what was happening.

It appears that for the Mix and Match to work, we have to use non-digits to
define the groups in the pricing:price_group field. According to lines
1289-90 of in the chain_cost subroutine:
$regex = $item->{$attribute}
unless $item->{$attribute} =~ /^[\d.]+$/;

This leaves $regex (which contains the group to match) blank if the
price_group field contains only digits.

But, the example given in the 'simple' demo explicitly uses digits to
define the groups. (And, according to my testing, the 'simple' demo does
treat all products as being in one big group despite there being different
values in the price_group fields for various products.)

But if I change ALL the values in the price_groups fields to letters rather
than digits, the Mix and Match groups work like I think they should.

Any item with just digits in it's price_group field will be group with all
products in the cart that have ANY value at all (digits or not) it the
price_group field.


I think that changing lines 1289-90 of in the chain_cost
subroutine to the following should allow the price_groups to work properly:
$regex = $item->{$attribute}
unless $item->{$attribute} =~ /^$/;
or maybe just:
$regex = $item->{$attribute};
(I don't think we get this far if the $item->{$attribute} is blank.)

Or, am I misunderstanding how this is supposed to work? Maybe it is
intended to only allow letters in the price_groups, but then why does the
demo use digits?

Any comments or corrections would be much appreciated.
Randy Moore
Axion Information Technologies, Inc.

phone 301-408-1200
fax 301-445-3947
IC 4.6.1 possible bug & fix for price_group feature [ In reply to ]
Quoting Randy Moore (
> Hello all,
> I've been having trouble getting the Mix and Match feature to work as I
> thought it should using the price_group feature (but maybe I'm
> misunderstanding the intent here). So, I started tracing through the code
> of the chain_cost & tag_nitems subroutines to see what was happening.
> It appears that for the Mix and Match to work, we have to use non-digits to
> define the groups in the pricing:price_group field. According to lines
> 1289-90 of in the chain_cost subroutine:
> $regex = $item->{$attribute}
> unless $item->{$attribute} =~ /^[\d.]+$/;

No, this is as intended. I will admit the reasoning behind the code
is a bit obscure...I can't remember how I documented it, but when
checking it appears that the entire description of how CommonAdjust
atoms work was removed from the docs. I will check on that....

It is intended to operate as a boolean grouping only if the price group is
a number. The $regex is passed to the tag_nitems function, which if
that is not defined (as it would be if the contents were only a number)
then it just groups the items if they are non-zero, and exempts
them from grouping if the value is 0.

In other words, if the group is a number the only values that pertain
are the absolute values 0 and 1 in the sense of true and false. If the
absolute value is 1 or any non-zero number, the Mix/Match is applied,
and if it is 0 the item is not applicable to Mix/Match.

If the contents have a non-digit/non-decimal, then they can be used
as a regex like /jewelry.*/ to group all jewelry items. If there are
no special characters, it is equivalent to an "eq" operator.

I think it is also quite possible you are being bitten by a problem
with the field definitions in the construct skeleton (which has now
been corrected in CVS) whereby the field type of price_group is char(2)
and the price group may not work with some values.

As I look at this, I think I tried to get too fancy. I often do that. 8-\

Akopia, Inc., 131 Willow Lane, Floor 2, Oxford, OH 45056
phone +1.513.523.7621 fax 7501 <>

Any man who is under 30, and is not liberal, has not heart; and any man
who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has not brains.
-- Winston Churchill
IC 4.6.1 possible bug & fix for price_group feature [ In reply to ]
At 05:58 PM 1/13/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Quoting Randy Moore (
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've been having trouble getting the Mix and Match feature to work as I
> > thought it should using the price_group feature (but maybe I'm
> > misunderstanding the intent here). So, I started tracing through the code
> > of the chain_cost & tag_nitems subroutines to see what was happening.
> >
> > It appears that for the Mix and Match to work, we have to use
> non-digits to
> > define the groups in the pricing:price_group field. According to lines
> > 1289-90 of in the chain_cost subroutine:
> > $regex = $item->{$attribute}
> > unless $item->{$attribute} =~ /^[\d.]+$/;
>No, this is as intended. I will admit the reasoning behind the code
>is a bit obscure...I can't remember how I documented it, but when
>checking it appears that the entire description of how CommonAdjust
>atoms work was removed from the docs. I will check on that....
>It is intended to operate as a boolean grouping only if the price group is
>a number. The $regex is passed to the tag_nitems function, which if
>that is not defined (as it would be if the contents were only a number)
>then it just groups the items if they are non-zero, and exempts
>them from grouping if the value is 0.
>In other words, if the group is a number the only values that pertain
>are the absolute values 0 and 1 in the sense of true and false. If the
>absolute value is 1 or any non-zero number, the Mix/Match is applied,
>and if it is 0 the item is not applicable to Mix/Match.
>If the contents have a non-digit/non-decimal, then they can be used
>as a regex like /jewelry.*/ to group all jewelry items. If there are
>no special characters, it is equivalent to an "eq" operator.
>I think it is also quite possible you are being bitten by a problem
>with the field definitions in the construct skeleton (which has now
>been corrected in CVS) whereby the field type of price_group is char(2)
>and the price group may not work with some values.
>As I look at this, I think I tried to get too fancy. I often do that. 8-\

Thanks Mike!

I did notice the 2 character limit on the price_group, but decided I could
live with that, especially since I had considered the groups to be
integers. I guess I was really just thrown off track by the example in the
simple demo from MV 4.0.4 where you use 0,1,2,3, and 9 in the
pricing:price_group column. I haven't checked the simple demo in the CVS
for IC, but this might be a good place for clarification if this feature is
still used there.

I hadn't even considered the possibility of a regex (but that would explain
some of the code I didn't fully understand). If I put a regex in the
price_group column for a particular item, what fields or data about the
other items in the cart would the regex be evaluated against? If it was
just the price_group column, I could be evaluating a regex against other
regex's but I guess that would be OK.

Thanks again for the clarification!

Randy Moore
Axion Information Technologies, Inc.

phone 301-408-1200
fax 301-445-3947