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[interchange] Removed unused bar_link sub
commit b0c0d8926525a50ca8cabad0bcc291243896fb8c
Author: Josh Lavin <>
Date: Thu Sep 1 09:20:20 2016 -0700

Removed unused bar_link sub

Doesn't work under IC 5.10, would have to be a GlobalSub. Also isn't
called by demo catalog, so opting to remove.

dist/catalog_before.cfg | 125 -----------------------------------------------
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dist/catalog_before.cfg b/dist/catalog_before.cfg
index 1e9db16..1e9c2d3 100644
--- a/dist/catalog_before.cfg
+++ b/dist/catalog_before.cfg
@@ -57,128 +57,3 @@ ParseVariables No
## Deprecated, could be removed in IC 5.2
Variable MV_DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILE products
-Sub <<EOR
-sub bar_link {
- my $base = shift || 'cat';
- my $extra;
- $base =~ s/(\W.*)//s
- and $extra = $1;
- my $ref = shift;
- my $code = $ref->[0];
- my $record = tag_data($base, 'n/a', $code, { hash => 1 });
- return $ref->[0] unless $record;
- my $url;
- my $anchor;
- my $highlight;
- my $first;
- my $expand;
- LINK: {
- if($record->{link_type} eq 'external') {
- $first = $record->{url};
- $first =~ s/\s+$//;
- $first =~ s/^\s+//;
- $url = $first;
- }
- elsif ($record->{link_type} eq 'internal') {
- my ($page, $form) = split /\s+/, $record->{url}, 2;
- my $current = $Tag->var('MV_PAGE', 1);
- $highlight = 1 if $page eq $current
- or
- $page eq $CGI->{ui_explode};
- $url = $Tag->area( { href => $page, form => $form });
- }
- elsif ($record->{link_type} eq 'simple') {
- my (@items) = split /\s*[\n,]\s*/, $record->{selector};
- my @out;
- my $fi = $record->{tab};
- my $sp = $record->{page};
- my %options = (
- href => 'scan',
- );
- push @out, "fi=$fi" if $fi;
- push @out, "sp=$sp" if $sp;
- push @out, "st=db";
- if(! @items) {
- push @out, "ra=yes";
- $options{arg} = join "\n", @out;
- $url = $Tag->area(\%options);
- last LINK;
- }
- push @out, "co=yes";
- for(@items) {
- my ($col, $string) = split /\s*=\s*/;
- push @out, "sf=$col";
- push @out, "se=$string";
- push @out, "op=eq";
- }
- push @out, $record->{search}
- if $record->{search} =~ /^\s*\w\w=/;
- push @out, qq{va=banner_image=$record->{banner_image}} if ($record->{banner_image});
- push @out, qq{va=banner_text=$record->{banner_text}} if ($record->{banner_text});
- $options{arg} = join "\n", @out;
- $url = $Tag->area(\%options);
- }
- elsif ($record->{link_type} eq 'complex') {
- $record->{search} =~ s/[\r\n+]/\n/g;
- $record->{search} .= qq{\nva=banner_text=$record->{banner_text}} if ($record->{banner_text});
- $record->{search} .= qq{\nva=banner_image=$record->{banner_image}} if ($record->{banner_image});
- $url = $Tag->area('scan', $record->{search});
- }
- else {
- $url = "";
- }
- }
- my $display_text = $record->{banner_text} || $record->{name};
- $display_text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
- if($record->{display_type} eq 'url') {
- $anchor = "";
- }
- elsif ($record->{display_type} eq 'name') {
- $anchor = $display_text;
- }
- elsif ($record->{display_type} eq 'icon') {
- $anchor = qq{<img src="$record->{image}" alt="$display_text"};
- $anchor .= " $record->{image_prop}"
- if $record->{image_prop};
- $anchor .= '>';
- $anchor .= $display_text;
- }
- elsif ($record->{display_type} eq 'image') {
- $anchor = qq{<img src="$record->{image}" alt="$display_text"};
- $anchor .= " $record->{image_prop}"
- if $record->{image_prop};
- $anchor .= '>';
- }
- else {
- $anchor = $display_text;
- }
- }
- return $url if ! $anchor;
- return $anchor if ! $url;
- if ($url =~ /\?/) {
- $expand = "&expand=$code";
- }
- else {
- $expand = "?expand=$code";
- }
- }
- my $tmpl = $record->{link_template}
- || $extra
- || $Variable->{BAR_LINK_TEMPLATE}
- || q{<A HREF="$URL$" class=barlink>$ANCHOR$</A>};
- $record->{ANCHOR} = $anchor;
- $record->{EXPAND} = $expand;
- $record->{URL} = $url;
- $tmpl =~ s!{HIGHLIGHT}(.*?){/HIGHLIGHT}! $highlight ? $1 : '' !gise;
- $tmpl =~ s/\$(\w+)\$/$record->{$1}/g;
- return $tmpl;

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