Mailing List Archive

Interchange 4.8.4 now available
Interchange 4.8.4 is now available!

This is an incremental upgrade to the stable version of Interchange.
There have been many improvements. Some of the more important are:

* Updated Bank of America, Skipjack, iTransact, and AuthorizeNet
payment modules
* Fixed cgi and value filters
* Prevent converting exchange rates twice for shipping
* Prevent stale &fail and &success values in profile checks
* Avoid potential security problem if unsafe email address passed to
* Pass only first 5 digits of ZIP code to UPS, as they require
* Fixed permissions checks in several UI pages
* Fixed funny bug in date widget that occurred only on 29th through
31st days of month
* Removed personal CSS from preferences in UI
* Fix some minor problems with Foundation under Oracle
* Pass mv_successpage from login page in Foundation
* Handle here documents in locale configuration
* New MV_CHARSET locale setting
* Several Quickbooks extension improvements
* Improved expire script
* Updated Debian and RPM packaging

You can view a full list of changes and download Interchange now at:

We recommend that those using Interchange 4.7 or higher upgrade to this

There are also new RPM packages of CPAN modules that Interchange uses,
built for Red Hat Linux 7.2:
