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Fwd: gpg: onepass_sig with unknown version 105
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De: Gilberto F da Silva <>
Date: seg., 10 de jan. de 2022 às 00:10
Subject: gpg: onepass_sig with unknown version 105
To: TradingView <>


When trying to use the Mageia 8 distribution I am getting
this error. I use the .gnupg directory in common with
other distributions. I deleted the symlink in /home from
the Mageia distribution and re-imported a key. get the
same error again when trying to open an .asc file

Thanx in advance

Stela dato:2.459.589,623 Loka tempo:2022-01-09 23:57:25 Diman?o
Um gato preto cruzando o seu caminho significa que o bicho está indo
para algum lugar.
-- Groucho Marx