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Re: help with directing output to remote file
On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 09:52:52PM +0000, Jim Breton wrote:

>You can see where the two prompts, one from gpg and one from ssh,
>overlap. Is this due to gpg sending its prompt to stdout rather than
>stderr, or is something else going on here?
>Any hints on how I can make this work effectively? I just need to be
>able to answer the gpg prompt before ssh asks me for my password.


(1) Make either gpg or ssh usable without password (perhaps by using

(2) Why use ssh when you're sending encrypted data anyway? (I can
think of some possible reasons, but...)


Roger Burton West -/-
"So long Mom, I'm off to drop the Bomb,
So don't wait up for me..."
Re: help with directing output to remote file [ In reply to ]
On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 10:55:51PM +0000, Jim Breton wrote:

>Thanks for the response -- the reason for ssh though, is because the
>alternative is rsh... and I'm sure I won't have to explain why I prefer
>ssh over rsh. :)
>Using [r|s]sh is nice for this purpose since it can take data on stdin
>and feed it directly to the remote command's stdin.

I agree. In which case I'd use ssh-agent/ssh-add before running the


Roger Burton West -/-
"Last night I drank with a practical man,
who seemed to think he knew me well..."