Mailing List Archive

it works, with some servers
* Christoph Hertel [2000.04.20]:

> The only way I can get keys from a keyserver is by email. When I try to
> connect to one directly with gnupg I get:
> $ gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0xBAC8E4D5
> gpg: requesting key BAC8E4D5 from ...
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> gpg: Total number processed: 0

Thanks to Alvar and Daniel for a reply.

It works with the Spanish ( keyserver without
problems. The German ( can't even be pinged (I live
in Germany, that's why I try it all the time). The Danish
( can be pinged, but gives me the reply I got
yesterday all the time from all the keyservers I tried. The '--verbose'
option doesn't give me further output. The '--debug-all' gave me the
following output:

~$ gpg -v --debug-all --keyserver --recv-key 0xBAC8E4D5
gpg: reading options from /home/chh/.gnupg/options'
gpg: DBG: iobuf-1.0: open /home/chh/.gnupg/secring.gpg' fd=3
gpg: DBG: iobuf-1.0: close ile_filter'
gpg: DBG: /home/chh/.gnupg/secring.gpg: close fd 3
gpg: DBG: iobuf-2.0: open /home/chh/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' fd=3
gpg: DBG: iobuf-2.0: close ile_filter'
gpg: DBG: /home/chh/.gnupg/pubring.gpg: close fd 3
gpg: requesting key BAC8E4D5 from ...
gpg: DBG: iobuf-3.0: fdopen fd 3]'
gpg: DBG: iobuf-3.0: close ile_filter'
gpg: DBG: [fd 3]: close fd 3
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: fdopen fd 4]'
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: underflow: req=8192 got=2764 rc=0
gpg: DBG: armor-filter: control: 5
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.1: push rmor_filter'
gpg: DBG: armor-filter: control: 5
gpg: DBG: iobuf chain: 4.1 rmor_filter' filter_eof=0 start=0 len=0
gpg: DBG: iobuf chain: 4.0 ile_filter' filter_eof=0 start=194 len=2764
gpg: DBG: armor-filter: control: 1
gpg: DBG: armor-filter: control: 3
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: underflow: req=8192 got=0 rc=-1
gpg: DBG: [fd 4]: close fd 4
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: underflow: eof
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: underflow: eof (due to filter eof)
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.1: underflow: req=8192 got=0 rc=-1
gpg: DBG: armor-filter: control: 2
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.1: pop (null)' in underflow (!len)
gpg: DBG: iobuf chain: 4.1 none]' filter_eof=1 start=0 len=0
gpg: DBG: iobuf chain: 4.0 none]' filter_eof=0 start=2764 len=2764
gpg: DBG: iobuf chain: 4.0 none]' filter_eof=0 start=2764 len=2764
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: underflow: eof
gpg: Total number processed: 0
gpg: DBG: iobuf-4.0: close (null)'
random usage: poolsize=600 mixed=0 polls=0/0 added=0/0
outmix=0 getlvl1=0/0 getlvl2=0/0
secmem usage: 0/0 bytes in 0/0 blocks of pool 0/16384

Do I have a local problem? Are the servers out of sync?

get my PGP (GnuPG) key 0xBAC8E4D5 from a keyserver or
by mailing me (subject: get gpg key)