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[issue206] gpg-agent: default for pinentry-program
New submission from Bernhard Herzog <>:

The default value for the agent's pinentry-program setting set by gnupg 1.9's
configure is <bindir>/pinentry. Unfortunately this is neither of the three
actually existing pinentry programs, so unless the user define's a suitable
pinentry program in his ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.cont, the agent won't be able to
start a pinentry at all and it will be difficult for the user to figure out what
went wrong. The error message in the KMail window is simply "No secret key".

I think at some point configure actually chose one of the existing pinentries by

assignedto: werner
messages: 992
nosy: bh, werner
priority: bug
status: unread
title: gpg-agent: default for pinentry-program
topic: pinentry
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