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FYI: Twofish and "Open"-PGP
Just want to let you know something about the Twofish thing:

Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 09:59:48 +0200
From: Werner Koch <>
Subject: Re: Agree with PRZs MDC suggestion writes:

[. most of the technical stuff deleted, hal == Hal Finney of NAI - wk ]

> I agree that it would be sensible to encourage the new format when we go
> to new block ciphers. Unfortunately the next version of PGP will have
> Twofish support without MDC, since we were not able to come to consensus

Ahhh great: I'm holding back Twofish support for GnuPG for many weeks
now, only to have the chance to use 128 bit block ciphers as a
criteria to decide whether to use MDCed encryption - but NAI has already
decided to make facts and thereby ignoring the discussion at the WG.
But sure, it is your companies decision - tssss.

Werner Koch at keyid 621CC013