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segfaults with gimp and xscreensaver solved

I get a chuckle out of this situation.

I've opened bugzillas #64656 and #64925 because xscreensaver and gimp
became unstable on my system. I thought the problem was with xorg, but
it's not. Another user discovered a problem with gcc and gtk+ that
causes the failure.

Are you ready for this? When compiled with gcc-3.3.4-r1 (works for
almost everything else in the world), gtk+ (gtk2 of course) is broken.
When compiled with gcc-3.4.2-r2 (which breaks a lot of packages) gtk+


(CR) Collins Richey
\/\/ "I hear you're single again." "Spouse 2.0 had fewer bugs than
Spouse 1.0, but the maintenance ... was too much for my OS."
- Glitch (tm)

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