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X-modular on sparc.gentoo-sparc.
A form of the script I used for a complete, fresh install of X-modular
on SB1000(2x900) is here:

I have tried to order it so that everything will build (not all
dependencies are in place yet); that is why the makefont routines and
mesa are built very early. If you try it and something does not build,
that is because I still have something in an order which will not work.
Probably, I should move all libraries to the top of the build, but I
haven't done that yet. I'll play with the order of things as time
permits if there is interest in X-modular, but this script seems
difficult to use.

Note that this is a big install. And, if you don't use mesa, you will
have to remove freeglut.

Note the problems (and the fix) associated with sunffb. If you don't
use sunffb, you will have to look at x11-drivers/ to find the video
driver you do use. You will be the first to test it.

(The reasons for '-vuk' as default are (1) otherwise, some packages will
be built more than once; (2) I was installing from a chroot build in
which I had already saved a lot of the X-modular suite as binary

Finally, after installing, MAKE SURE to run revdep-rebuild. On my
system, it identified 4 packages which needed rebuilding; they did
rebuild without incident, and now seem fine. I am running the result of
installing these packages (after having run 'emerge -C xorg-x11'), and I
have seen no problems so far. (But we're talking 4 hours or so at this

Comments, problems, other experiences, and so on requested.
Have fun and provide feedback,
Ferris McCormick (P44646, MI) <>
Developer, Gentoo Linux (Sparc, Devrel)