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Installation handbook improvements

I've been recently trying to install Gentoo on a new machine and
noticed, that the x86/amd64
Installation Handbook could use a few updates to better reflect the
reality of today`s Linux.
I`d like to add the following things (most important first):

1. Replace the 'fdisk' with 'parted' in the partitioning section.
'cfdisk' could be also mentioned.
A notice about MSDOS and GPT disk labels could be added to help people
with large disk drives
which cannot be partitioned in the legacy way.

2. Write about configuring wpa_supplicant for basic PSK in the
"Preparing for Wireless Access"
section. No one uses WEP anymore.

3. Add ext4 to the list of supported filesystems.

4. In the "8.a. Filesystem Information" describe the ability to define
block devices using
UUID="" and LABEL="", this approach is much better than hardcoding device names.

5. Remove the chapter dealing with LILO. I don't think anyone uses
that bootloader anymore.

What do you think about these proposals ? Also, will posting bugs for
every change with
guidexml patches attached be the proper way to handle this ?

Best regards,
Maciej Grela
Re: Installation handbook improvements [ In reply to ]
Maciej Grela wrote:
> W dniu 24 sierpnia 2010 07:45 użytkownik Rafał<> napisał:
>> Welcome
>> You should send this message to general list. Your idea is great.
> You mean gentoo-dev or gentoo-user ? Anyway, I just posted the first
> patch in bug #334167.
> Br,
> Maciej Grela

Why would the gentoo-doc not be the correct list to post too?

Filing it as a bug and the changes is a good idea tho. Especially since
you have the fixes/patches already.


:-) :-)