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Re: RFC: Forbid using versions in DESCRIPTION [ In reply to ]
Petteri Räty schrieb:

In regard to this it makes sense to add a check (but only a warning) to
repoman and document it in the devmanual.
Re: RFC: Forbid using versions in DESCRIPTION [ In reply to ]
Ciaran McCreesh schrieb:
> And there aren't specification-compliant Yaml libraries for Ruby,
> Python or Perl. That's important. If you're using the thing that Syck
> generates, you're not using Yaml.

Sorry for starting this off-topic discussion. I'd suggest that we first
concentrate on what we want (moving DESCRIPTION or not), while not
forgetting this difficulty when making the decision of which format or
library to choose (which might not happen at all if we decide not to
check whether we should change the format of metadata).

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