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Help needed with Bug 62123 (Authen::PAM)
I would welcome input on this bug, because its just buggy.
dev-perl/Authen-PAM compiles against the PAM libraries. On one box it works
like a champ. On two other boxes here - bah. If you enable SRC_TEST="do" in
the ebuild you may see what I mean - or may not :/. Problem is I can't
isolate what's causing it to fail. The boxes I'm testing against all have
the same version of pam (0.77) installed, their pam configs are identical,
etc., and yet discord is rampant. strace isn't revealing anything to me
other than its failing to return from a fork - but the same fork has
problems on the working box. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help,
special perl cookies to the person that magically resolves it :)

Note: perl cookies are 0 calorie, 0 fat, and 0 filling...
