Mailing List Archive

August 2012 GNOME team meeting

The Gentoo GNOME team is trying to start up proper official meetings
again. The first one will be on a rather short notice to the public due
to scheduling difficulties, but I'll make sure to summarize or post

This months GNOME team meeting will be held on Sunday/Monday 27th August
2012 at 01:00am UTC [1], in #gentoo-meetings on FreeNode IRC network.

That is Sunday against Monday night for Europe this time, in some 17
hours from now, sorry.


* Team lead election
* GNOME-3.4 and 3.6 status
* Stabilization of GNOME-3.x
* Life (or death) of GNOME2 after GNOME3 stabilization
* Handling and supportedness by GNOME team of alternatives like Cinnamon, Unity and MATE
* More periodic meetings and finding a suitable time for that

All interested are welcome to attend.


Best Regards,
Mart Raudsepp (leio)
Gentoo Linux Developer / GNOME Team