Mailing List Archive

KDE SC 4.8 Release Party in Prague, CZ
We’re happy to announce a KDE 4.8 Release Party in Prague,CZ!

The party will take place on Friday, 24th of February, 17:00, at the SUSE
Linux building (Map [1], KDE Community Wiki [2]). There will be KDE and
openSUSE swag available, KDE SC 4.8 live CDs, plus some short KDE related
talks. We’re also gonna have some drinks, a KDE Cake, and lots of fun!

PS In case you are a KDE contributor and would like to give a short talk about
it, feel free to send a mail to me or Michal (for czech mails, michal [at]
hrusecky [dot] net)

PS2 Czech announcement and poster in Michal’s blog post [3]

Theo Chatzimichos (tampakrap) |
Gentoo KDE/Qt, Planet, Overlays