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PDF - image generation fails when images not in resource/images directory

I'm using forrest 0.8. in the document-to-fo.xsl, there's following code:

<!-- resources image dir -->
<xsl:when test="starts-with(string(@src),'images/')">
<xsl:when test="contains(string(@src),'/images/')">

<!-- already absolute -->
<xsl:when test="contains(string(@src),':') or
<xsl:value-of select="@src"/>

<!-- relative to document -->
<xsl:value-of select="concat($xmlbasedir,@src)"/>
<fo:external-graphic src="{$imgpath}">
<xsl:if test="@height">
<xsl:attribute name="height">
<xsl:value-of select="@height"/>
<xsl:if test="@width">
<xsl:attribute name="width">
<xsl:value-of select="@width"/>

the first part causes trouble when the images happen not to be in the
resource folder, but in an "images" folder (e.g. in
/content/xdocs/images), i.e. "fo:external-graphic" gets a wrong src value.

commenting out this part did the trick for me - but I do wonder

1/ what is the rationale behind having images in the resource/ folder?

2/ if I wanted to have all my images in resource/images rather than in
content/xdocs/images, (how) would I still be able to include the images
in the site?

3/ are there any plans to simplify the default forrest folder structure
a bit? right now, it looks quite complex. I recognize that many folders
are necessary to allow for customization, yet I believe those do not
necessarily need to be created by a "forrest seed" from a user point of
view (to name a few: translations, resources, conf and classes do not
seem to give much added value on the first sight)

