Mailing List Archive

Clipped group image

I'm trying to use forrest 0.8 and modified the example content created by
'forrest seed'.

After changing content of <group-name> in skinconf.xml I noticed that the
created group png image is clipped. Group name contains 15 characters and
the first characters are clipped in the image. I tried to add multiple
&nbsp;'s to the start of group name to shift it to the left, but afterwards the
last characters are clipped in the png !?

Any clue how to solve this ?

kind regards
Re: Clipped group image [ In reply to ]
Manuel schrieb:
> Hi
> I'm trying to use forrest 0.8 and modified the example content created by
> 'forrest seed'.
> After changing content of <group-name> in skinconf.xml I noticed that the
> created group png image is clipped. Group name contains 15 characters and
> the first characters are clipped in the image. I tried to add multiple
> &nbsp;'s to the start of group name to shift it to the left, but afterwards the
> last characters are clipped in the png !?
> Any clue how to solve this ?
> kind regards
> Manuel

You can change the width of your group-logo by editing the file
"group.svg" in

Find the lines
&lt;svg xmlns=""
width="420" height="65" &gt;

and edit the width so that your string fits (might require several tries).

Best regards