Mailing List Archive

Re: Oh dear... You may want to delete my nonsense.
Michael Drabble wrote:
> Hey Ross,
> Hope all’s well.
> Sent a cordial yet insulting salutation to you as reply to one of your
> Forrest conversations. Unfortunately beers have been had and I forgot
> it’d go to the Forrest user list. Oops! You may want to delete my nonsense.

Impossible to do now, it's mirrored across at least a dozen archives.
Your gaff is now preserved for the archaeologists of the future to
ponder deep into the night.

(and to make it worse I copied this mail to the Forrest user list so I
can show your embarrassment to the world twice over - let that be a
lesson to you in the evils of alcohol)

> Anyway, I’ll say it here: how are you?

I'll reply to that after I finihsed my pint.
